Volts to Amps Calculator, Formulas, and Solved Examples [Ampere from Voltage Conversion]

Volts to Amps calculator lets you calculate the current in amperes from volts provided that either power in watts or resistance in ohms is known.

List of Contents

Volts to Amps Conversion Calculator

Volts to Amps Formula

From Watts

Formula: I = P/V


I = Current in amps

P = Power in watts

V = Voltage in volts

From Ohms

Formula: I = V/R


I = Current in amps

V = Voltage in volts

R = Resistance in Ohms

Solved Calculations and Examples


Statement: Find the maximum current that can flow through a 10-watt resistor when a 120 Volts source is connected across it.

Solution: I = P/V = 10/120 = 0.083 Amps


Example#2: Find the current passing through a 33 ohms resistor when a 12 V source is connected across it.

Solution: I = V/R = 12 V / 33 ohms = 0.36 Amps

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